Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Whao.. been a long time since i actually used this blog. Totally forgot about it back in 2009. Been reading through all the past post and realize there are a lot of good memories that are written here.

2009 was my last post and it was about 6 months till i ORD from my national service. 3 years has since passed since then and i have already been called back for 2 reservist and gotten my Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality management from MDIS. Well technically i have gotten it as i had to retake a module last Saturday. Hopefully i passed the module or i would have to re-module and its a super waste of time and money.

After the paper on Saturday, i have been thinking of going to Aussie to continue my studies. Stepping into a new country, a new culture and new place is a big step. No idea if i will be able to cope with the new environment.

Been almost almost 9 years since my dad passed away. Growing up without a father figure has been kinda rough. No one in the family understand stuffs from a guys perspective, thus bringing alot of conflicts between me and my family. Despite all the conflicts, i still love my family. We are still related by blood and nothing can change that. Just sometimes i wished they would understand. Miss you loads dad where ever you maybe, wish you were here to give me advices when i needed em. Or just had someone i could have a men to men talk over some drinks. But well, life still goes on.

R.I.P Ron Lai...

P.S I know a few people actually had this blog adderess when i created this but i doubt they even use blogs anymore. If those of you who happen to still have this and saw my post on my FB and came here. Hello to you and lets meet up soon.