Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tonight is the night before my enlistment into the SPF, all of a sudden. I feel that time passes so quickly. Packing my stuffs while thinking back at all those times i kept saying "aiya not so soon la. still got 1 month plus". haha well tat one month plus is over and here i am now. counting the hours before i go into a new chapter of my life. Gonna miss my life tat i have. and all those good friends while i am in there. haha hopefully, what the booklet writes is true, after 2 weeks of in camp training i will be out of there on sat and sun, but think it only applys for the normal ippt only tat includes the original intake. haha well i can hope right.

well to the person who asked me out today, not sure if u will look here anymore but anyways, i had wanted to meet u so so badly. its hard to forget an event like this you know? its a moment of my life that i wont forget, how it felt, all we went throu. if u did not ask him along, i would have gladly went. but well, i do not know y u asked him along, and ask me along. maybe u jus asked me cause u wanted to go out with him but felt wierd and i was there just to break the ice of the wierdness. i do not know. hopefully everything goes right for you. and when i come out, you'll change into a better person.

and to another person whom has been in my mind all these few months, thou we are not as close as we used to be last time. you still hold a special place in me. thx for introducing me into the church, without you i would not have been able to get by the hard times i had a long time ago. would not have met the great group of ppl at FCBC. just thank you very much. i know you dont come to this blog and look but well, i just have to get all these out of me before i go in. Dont think i can ever sleep well tonight. All the nervousness is killing me. hopefully we will still keep close contact and well, hope to see u soon.

and to my church friends, well thou there are alot of stuffs we do not have in common, its great to be around u guys and hang around doing nothing. lolz.

and most importantly, my brothers and sisters, from cool0z7, and outside of cooli0z7. Well, i am a guy who treasures friends alot, hate to lose em. so well yea maybe most of u guys dont know lolz. who knows. haha. i keep a low profile dont i? gl with your studies and when i have leave we all meet up go party ok! and cooli0z7 enjoy your chalet. BB guys, don injure yourself. gonna jio u all for basketball the moment i come out.

and to those few friends whom i have not chatted with em for a long time, joelle, biyun, jesslyn, song, ken, wendy, meet up soon ya? haha.

Die la die la, getting so emo haha. Think i better stop, well dont let catch u guys on the streets! i will make it a point to check your IC or i will bring u go drink kopi! haha.

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