Sunday, February 24, 2008

Life in NS...

Life in NS

Its been kinda long since i blogged here since i went into NS. Life in NS really sucks man. Typing this before i book in. Before i leave my house and head to camp for another week of hell. Its boring as hell and the stuff we do inside is always the same.

The conditions inside is not so good also, every time i am spend the night in the bunk, i will always get sore throat as the bunk is super dusty no matter how you clean it. And well, because of that i got rashes on my thighs i guess. No idea how it got there too.

Trying to make it a point to blog here whenever i can but i guess times is super limited for me during the weekends. Sat most prob i will spend time going out, catch movies with my friends, dinner gathering and there goes my sat. Sunday morning I'll be playing basketball with my brothers then after that 6 hours later i must be back in camp. So here i am now. Sitting in front of my monitor wearing my white shirt and blue pants waiting for time to pass to head back to camp.

Well thats all for now i guess its about time i shut my pc down until i come back. So guys take care, signing out.

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