Friday, November 02, 2007

Whao, its been a long time since i blogged. Haha.

Not much has changed, xecpt that i am going for a short trip to taiwan from the 10-15 nov. Hope its gonna be fun. Do keep track of this blog as i will try my best to update while i am at taiwan and hopefully get some pictures uploaded.

Just a few more weeks and i'll be away for my National Service. And today i just found out that another bro of mine also got into the police force and in the same camp. What a coincidence.

Went out for lunch with Stanley and Sharon just now and just got back haha. Thankfully stanley had a car and could drive us round if not today would have been quite a slow day. Had lunch at IMM and at the ramen store and we ate a total of $80 haha. After that we went on to JP to walk around and go to POSB to check out why the money that HZ transfered to my bank has not arrived yet. Sadly i had to bring my bank book down also and i did not have it with me. Would have to do it before work tml.

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