Friday, May 11, 2007

What a day!

Well, it was a great day for me. Todays plans went well, went out in the morning with my friends anc chatted with them. Crapped about alot of stuffs. And i have a friend who have such a bad sense of direction that even me walking aimlessly i actually find a way out of the place. Lolz even thou she was the one who brought us there. Haha.

At 3:30 i met fei at NYP to play basketball at his school. Alot of people were there to play basketball and something funny happen to my ankle which i had sprained a few weeks ago. It was really affecting me as long as i needed to use my ankle. Jumping, walking down steps and some others. During the first match i could not run nor jump very well. So i think i gave a really bad impression to the other team mates of mine. But, while i was playing the 2nd match. I accidently triped over someones foot and my left ankle cracked. It hurt initially but the funny thing is that my ankle was feel so much better, its not that stiff as it was before. And i could actually run and jump like i was not injured. Althou i could do all that i know that my ankle as not fully recoverd so i did not take of my ankle guard. Gotta get a new one as the old one is getting tighter, signs of me getting fat? Haha anyways played alot of good games todae, had a great team of players one and we played real well althou it was the first time we were playing. Rebounds seem to be easy to grab today and i dare to say that i had taken down most of the rebounds succesfully. And scored a few shots at the "B" and "C" spots. Well, fei fei was playing a almost perfect game too. He gained the confidence and started shooting. All his shots went in. NYP's basketball court is quite a nice court. Nice ground nice ring and nice nets.

I Thank God for this as i know its not possible to be so lucky that i tripped on someone's foot and instead of me injuring my sprain further, my sprain got better haha. And there was a crack too. Well. I think its God telling me to hang in there and not give up not matter what injuries you have, physically or emotionally, he will be there for you even if u do not know it. And he'll heal the wounds at the correct time to give u encouragements. I thank you once again Father.

Well, struggling with something within me atm.Tml is a event of a church and its kinda a big one, but i got another event that came up last min and its kinda important too.. I really wish to go for it but i really do not know what to do. Someone help me plz..

I know ah pa would ask me which is more important, God or my friends.

Its a really hard question for me now as well, God has done things for me in this life that no one can, but to me friends are important also. This friend of mine can be considered a realy good friend of mine. Confide in her with any problems in my life. Haiz.. what should i do.. i really do not know..

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