Sunday, June 17, 2007

A Strange Coincidence

A Strange Coincidence

Today was a wedding of my cousin, and well i did not go for service today as i was too tired actually and had some stuffs to do before going to the wedding. I went there with my sister, mum could not come along as she sprained her ankle and had trouble moving about. It was at shenton way, funny place to have a wedding dinner as its in the CBD. Its in a building near lau pat sa. The food was quite nice but the service was bad. Lolz, twice the waiter took our food away without us asking. Once was when there was fish head left on the plate and my aunty wanted to eat it after feeding her son, and another was a bowl of noodles tat belong to my cousin. Sucky service.

Well, like the title says, i had strange coincidence today at the wedding. Guess who i saw, Hui Min. She was my cousin's wife's calssmate. I am not very social, so i dont bumb into ppl often, so it was kinda strange too me. I guess god's trying to tell me something but i have no idea what.

Was thinking a min ago while i was reading the blogs that i know, i dont think anyone reads my blog also haah. Seems very quiet here. Maybe cause its boring haha. Well, if anyone drops by here and read it, weather it be someone i know or just a passer-by. Do tag at the chat box. Lest give me some motivition to write on.

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