Saturday, January 06, 2007

Finally after a long week of waiting my bass guitar finally came! But sadly the strings got screwed up and i have to bring it to a shop and restring it all over again. That gives me more stuff to do on my already busy saturday. Gotta bring the guitar to the shop at penisula plaza in the late morning. After that gotta go back to red hill for my cell group, then gotta go back to IMM to get something. All the while carrying my heavy ass guitar aloing. Lolz. What a day!

Today was a ok day for me, played ball in the morning but it was a slow day. Haha went to IMM to see Diana from long beach, i think i'll be working there during this few weeks so to earn the extra cash lolz. Then slacked at home all day long waiting for my guitar haha.

Well here's a pic of my guitar,

and also a few days ago there was this very beautiful rainbow that appeared around my area.

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