Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Finally got back from malaysia, got back like 4 hours ago, unpacked my stuffs and brought barnet's shirt to his out and went for supper. Feels great to be at home. haha. missed my com so much.
Well, the trip was a fun one and guess who i met at KL just an hour before i was leaving for SG. Joel! haha, he was there with his family. The trip back was horrible as there was a mistake from the staff at the hotel saying tat we gotta wait for the bus at another hotel and we only had 15 mins to get there. But the truth is tat its alright to wait for the bus at our own hotel as it would be coming here too, well we ended up running to and fro the hotels before we all got pissed off and settled down to wait for the bus. Well so much for our last day. Brought some stuffs back with me as well, a new pair of bb shoe, a baby milo sweater, 2 shirt and a levi jeans. haha. Could have brought 2 more shirts but the shop did not accept any card. haha did not have enough cash on hand, and did not have the time to change currency either. The bus was coming. It was a 5 hour ride back. The bus was great, watched a few movies in there. Personal tv screens as well haha. watched seven swords and elektra. And before i knew it i was back in singapore. haha. Well its 4 am in the mornin now and i think i had better get to sleep. I am not really tired actually. Well thats all for todae.

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