Friday, November 24, 2006

Last night was my ex class the prom night, wished i was there with them man. They made it sound so fun. Well met up with cheng, song, fei, mark, teo, joseph, zc, alina, jess, ken and wendy at lao pat sat. Ate and chit chat there. I am glad they had plans, was feeling so fustrated at home and did not wanna stay in my room. After eating we crapped around thinking aobut where to go. Ended up walking to esplanade where the merlion was and sat there till 6 in the mornin before cabbing home. While we were there, we talked about our childhood, all the shows we use to watch, tome and jerry, swat cats, teletubbies(yes we do watch it during our childhood), and the most common power rangers. haha. yea childhood was fun. everyone was so lartagic that night. guess its cause of the cooling atmosphere there that made everyone just wanna sit there and enjoy the breeze and think about the past few years. I went to sit on the steps near the merlion and i was only a few steps away from the river. Sitting there made me think of the past few years, how i got to know them till i left the school. Kinda regreted it actually. Wasted alot of my time in there. did not treasure the time i had in there too. My good buddies and sisters from the class. Dont think we would meet up that often anymore. Eventhough many in my class would say our class has lots of conflicts, well its true but i believe every single one of them that has been together from 2001 to 2006 will agree with this, all of us will be remembered in everyone's mind and heart. Those crappy times we spent during PE lessons in sec 1, the times when we ran up and down changing from our Uniform to our PE attire. To those times in adam khoo where we all kinda bonded as one. Those were the times. Well to everyone in 5/1, wish u guys good luck in the future. And remember, We'll always be the best team in commonwealth.

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