Thursday, November 30, 2006

1 more day till my encounter camp. Somehow i feel both excited and afraid. Wondering how it would turn out, wondering if i would have a personal encounter with god.
Today turned out alright. Watched tv for the whole afternoon. Funny thing is normally i have lots to blog once i start blogging but today, my mind is a blank.
Went to watch happy feet yst, with jess, song, mak and sin. Started the day by playing pool at WCRC in the afternoon with song and jess. Played for awhile and then went to wheelock place cause jess wanted to go do nydc for interview but too bad she cant work there cause thier looking for someone who can work for a minimum of 6 mths. While walking my crave for food hit me and i asked if they wanted to eat sakae sushi haha. Its been a while since i have eaten sakae, esp the buffet. Well we all ate till the food was up to our necks and we were basically forcing ourself to eat jus to clear the food on our table. haha. It was a rather funny situation, song was complaining about his hang over from drinking with his boss and his so called "suger mummy" haha that jess named for him. Well that another story so i'll continue with mine. And jess was complaining that when ever she goes out with us she'll gain 5 kg haha. Thats the price to pay when u come out with us lolz cause we will entertain you. After eating we decided to head to paragon and look for sin. Kept making fun of jess cause paragon is a so called "rich's man place." Me and song did not even know which shop was where but jess walked around like it was her backyard haha. Well found out later tat sin was working at the bra section of metro and we walked over to look for her. To cut a long story short we met her after her work and went to take a bus over to plaza sing to meet up with sharon and watch happy feet. Song was so blur tat when sharon came up from the escalator he did not see her and was leaning against the rail trying to spot her. haha. Brought tics for 6:30 show and it was the 5th row from the front. My neck was hurting after the movie but it was worth it haha. The movie is damn cute esp those baby penguins. haha. So fat and chubby. I jus love the way they talk and walk. There was one rapping penguin haha and there was a group of 5 pengiuns which were so hyper haha. They are all jus so cute. Well after that we went for a short game of pool again and we all headed back to take the MRT. Me, song and jess went to to take the train home while both sharon went to mac to wait for zkent. In the train we were pack like sardine for one stop. Thank goodness its only one stop haha. The rest of the train rides were alright as we got to sit down for a while. Jess got scolded by her mum for going home late, so much for the good girl image lolz. Speaking of mums, my mum is so strange lately. She has been smsing me asking where i am and what time i am coming back as early as 10. and its getting real irritating. Even though i said i am coming home now she'll ask again where am i and when i am coming back. Its not as if i was in pri school or something. Well, i guess the post is rather long now so i'll stop here. Gotta prepare my stuff for the camp tml.

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