Wednesday, August 29, 2007

I have had enough of this.

I have had enough of this sh!t

I've had it with my mum treating me as a little kid anymore. Always saying cannot cannot without giving me a proper reason. I understand if she does not allow me to keep a dog as big as a lab, but a jack russel? Forever saying its troublesome its troublesome, what thing in this world is not troublesome. Its not as if i do not have the time right now. I spend half the day at home sleeping. And i am not the only person in this house right now. If i am in the army I'll still be back on sat and sun. Anyone of the family could bring the dog out to walk. Around the car park will do. Grandma could treat it as some exercising, shes old and talking walks around could do her good. She keep saying that they raised three dogs in the past and it was very troublesome. The past is the past, its different from the present. In terms of financial status, and in terms of living conditions, it must have been a huge difference in the past.

If they could raise three big dogs in the past i don't see the reason why we cant raise a single small dog at our home. Precisely because my grandma has raised three dogs in the past, she would have experience in taking care of dogs and she could guide me and my sis along the way. Walking the dog i could go have a jog in the morning. I wake up as early as 7 or 8 in the morning only thinking of what can i do next. Life at home is just so sickening. No one is a home at all. If Singapore was not this small i would be running around the place going from one end to another before going back home. Getting real pissed of.

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