Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Medival Checkup

Medical Checkup

Had my medical check up on monday, and i have to say it was quite fast compared to what i heard from my other friends. The only thing that took up alot of time is the test stuffs on the computer. All sort of nonsense questions they ask. Well glad its over, now gotta start training myself up to get ready for NS. Must get my lazy ass moving already cannot everyday stick onto the chair and face this screed!

These few days been real boring for me. I just feel like i lost something in life, no motivation to play music at all. Usually i'll mess around with my guitar finding some chords that sound nice together and remember em, but recently i cant seem to have the motivation anymore, and my bass has been lying there for quite some time. Something is wrong with me now.

Its wednesday morning atm, played for the whole morning and i cant get to sleep, have bass lessons today at plaza singapura, but its only a half hour lessons. Bored.. cant find anyone to go town with me to take a walk. Have someone in mind but nm.. i doubt it would happen haha. Well, hopefully i wanna get a new guitar soon as the old one is getting rusty and gonna spoil soon if i continue playing it, and the sound of the guitar is not the one i want, not my type. I want a acoustic guitar, not a classical one. Well, thats all for today. Maybe if i get inspiration from my walking around in town i'll post again tonight when i get back.

-to those who tagged my blog, thx alot!

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