Thursday, February 15, 2007

Valentines day...

Well, today is Valentines day and i spent it working. Met hao for dinner beore we went to work. Well, walking around places, seeing couples going around shopping, meeting up for dinner, all these reminds me of the past. And i suddenly remembered the stuff in my cupboard. Hao said to me tat give it to her as a friend, but i knew it was not possible. Well, its kind a emotional barrier for me. I do not know how to talk or face her. I feel its all so weird. Even after these time, those moments still stay at the back of my head. It started happily, the journey was great. But sadly, it ended in a crash.

The previous Valentines day was not a day i wished to remember, and this years Valentines day is not one i would like to remember too. Hope the next Valentines day will be a good one and hoprfully spent with my valentine. Time will tell. Untill then, i'll just wonder around waiting for the time to come.

Been a long time since i blogged.. CNY is coming soon. 3 more days. The time for relative visiting has finally come. Looking forward to visit mama again and the rest of the Lai family, Dai Po and Dai Gong. Long time since i seen them, wonder how are they. I realised that i kinda miss seeing them during new year even thou i do not know how i am related to them. Maybe its cause i am used to it. Hope this year i'll be able to see them and also spend time with my mama. Really miss her lots. Gonna show her some magic tricks i learned, shes getting old. Hope it could bring laughters to her life. And to my little cousins i have there, maybe can show em a trick or too while i am at it. Esp those who are closer to me, Pei Ying, Jia Jia, Val and Jeremy. And that cute little cousin of mine, Keat Zai. Looking forward to seeing u all during CNY.

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